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India fishermen have called on the government to take action on United States seafood export restrictions

发布日期:2024-07-19 09:24

India fishermen have appealed to the government to address United States' ongoing restrictions on seafood imports, particularly related to the use of turtle repellency devices (TEDs), which are designed to allow turtles to escape from fishing nets. The Southern Shrimp Federation of the United States has repeatedly expressed concern about India's fishing practices.


The United States imposed import restrictions in 2019 citing the protection of sea turtles. The India Fishermen's Union argues that turtles do not pose a significant risk in most India trawling areas. Trade restrictions have had a severe economic impact on the seafood industry in India. As many processors face financial hardship and some have even been forced to cease operations, the India Fishermen's Union has called on India's state and central governments to take decisive action to protect the interests of the shrimp industry and local fishermen.

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