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The Danish pelagic fishery production organization wants to protect the development of the country's fisheries through special legislation

发布日期:2024-06-14 11:06

       Brexit has dealt a severe blow to the Danish fishing industry, with more than NOK 1 billion worth of quotas being ceded to the UK, affecting the future earnings of vessels, processing companies and around 16,000 people involved in the day-to-day work of the industry. With the Comprehensive Record of Distant-Water Fishing, the Danish fishing industry assumes ownership and responsibility for legal compliance, data collection, climate impacts, occupational safety and research.


       The DPPO is excited about the future vision of the fishing industry, which is the result of the work of the Committee on Fisheries and the common thread of the 17+2 expert recommendations that form the basis for negotiations in the coming months on a new political agreement on the future of fisheries. The DPPO has been calling for the reform of fisheries legislation for many years so that the special legislation of the past can be abolished and a framework for the green transition and competitive development of the Danish fishing industry.

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