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China has replaced Japan as the largest buyer of Norwegian blue and white fish

发布日期:2023-11-03 16:47

In 2022, China replaced Japan as the largest importer of Norwegian mackerel products, and Asia also replaced Europe as the largest overseas market for Norwegian mackerel. According to statistics from the Norwegian Marine Products Bureau, Norway exported nearly 60000 tons of mackerel to China in 2022, while the Japanese market exported approximately 55000 tons. In 2021, sales in South Korea were even higher than those in China.

Jan Eirik Johnsen, the mackerel product account manager of the Norwegian Seafood Council, said that in 2022, the Asian market purchased 44% of the mackerel products exported from Norway, while the European market purchased 39%.In 2019, the proportion of Asia was 40%, while Europe was 51%.

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