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American consumers believe that the sustainability of the ocean is equally important as food safety

发布日期:2023-06-16 16:46

A new public opinion survey conducted by Morning Consult for the Walton family Foundation shows that most Americans have the same opinion on sustainable seafood and food safety.

A total of 2121 adults participated in this online survey, which focused on the importance of sustainability when purchasing seafood and the impact of climate change on the world's oceans. Moira McDonald, director of the environmental program of the Walton family Foundation, said that healthy oceans and fish are the key to the growing global population. In order to protect fish and the ocean, we need to utilize the ability to respond to climate change. Adaptation and resilience are at the core of all environmental work, and the work of the ocean and fisheries is no exception. Fisheries that can adapt to climate change strengthen food security and environmental security. The main results of the survey are as follows: 68% of consumers are concerned that climate change is having a negative impact on marine health and fish populations; 83% of consumers stated that the health of the ocean and its ability to provide seafood are important to them personally; 69% of consumers stated that the processing country is an important consideration when purchasing meat or seafood; 68% of consumers stated that the country of origin is an important consideration when purchasing meat or seafood; 73% of consumers will support companies that only provide sustainable seafood.

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